Written byProfessor Prime

Day 4 – 20 Days of Gold Making

Today is another entry into the 20 Days of Gold Making. The idea came from Auction House Addict, a blog written by Nev. She had a very good idea and other than writing a long post answering every one of the 20 questions.

I thought I would keep today’s post short, as I don’t have much to report to you about my future plans. I think I’ll save that for something later this week.

Do you use a banker alt/guild? When did you start doing that & why?

This is a subject I’ve tried to cover on my blog before in the past. I’ve asked this very question to other gold makers and never really got any real answer to the question.

So do I use bank alts? Well, first you must ask what is a bank alt. Some people will say it’s a level 1 or so character you don’t use for anything else but gold-making. In some cases in the past, yes I had a level 1 alt that I used to control my guild bank and I sold everything on this character.

Before I stopped playing the game full-time as I was, all my alts were near level 85 on my old main server, so they all were my bank alt and guild bank holding. Each one of them had their own guild bank. I found that doing Transmogrification and selling leveling greens required me to have a character with nothing in their bags and a full guild bank to store them up.

I think I started using bank alts back when I first started gold making. The reason why was basically the same reason anyone started one. That was something every gold maker out there would talk about, using a Bank Alt to move your goods. As time goes on you can guest that turn into a full team of 10.

What I’m saying is basically it comes down to what you feel is best set up for you and everything. What I’ve learned in the last 4 years is there is no perfect way of doing it. So give something a try, there is at least a handful of ways to do it so find one that works for you. What is your bank alt setup? Post in the comments as I would love to read them and I’m sure other readers would as well.

Am I Evil Yes I Am!

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