Written byProfessor Prime

Infinity – 24th Anniversary

Infinity - 24th Anniversary

Hey guy, it’s that time of year again, kind of crazy to think about that next year will be Majin Planet’s 25th Anniversary. December 13th 1999. Crazy where the time has gone and how the world has changed. That being said, welcome to this years 24th event special, Infinity. This year has been a really rough one for me personally and growth on the channel’s has been slow. But out loyal fan base has stay strong. We have lost a few people long the way, but gain new ones.

To all the new and old fans still sticking around. I thank you. Cheers and hope the next 25 years go just as good and grow into something really, truly special. We will be hosting a special event December 13th, 2023 at 6:30 PM live on Twitch, and YouTube. We will also be hosting a special in-person event for select fans and friends the following week. Details about that event will be sent out in the coming days.

Until Nex time guys.

Am I Evil Yes I Am!

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