Written byProfessor Prime

Jason David Frank Passes Away

A shock to the world, growing up, I was a big Power Rangers fan, and always a fan of the OG cast. While I think Power Rangers has come a long way, given what the show is. I’ve always found good moments and enjoyed the seasons after the original cast left mid-way into Turbo. But nothing could have shocked me more than learning that Jason David Frank passed away on November 19th, 2022.

The Reason, Shocked me

Now I’m not going to speak of the reason that has been spreading on social media. I’ve talked about my thoughts on what happened and how I feel about it on YouTube. Video at the end. However, when someone as kind and pleasant as Jason David Frank was, as I’ve heard and been told by many people. Checking out is something I never thought I’d listen to.

From my understanding, what I’ve read. Jason David Frank was depressed and dealing with the drama that comes with Social Media. Speaking about stepping away other than Facebook, for his fans as well as not doing Power Rangers anymore unless the whole cast came back.

Depression and anxiety

Now with the next season being the 30th and with a lot of the OG cast coming back, we don’t know if he filmed anything for that special as it’s said to have already been filmed. When a person is truly feeling depression and anxiety, they often don’t speak about it. While they might speak up about having anxiety over something. We never truly know the demons a person is battling.

The divorce

I wasn’t aware of this, but I guess Jason David Frank was in the middle of a divorce from his second wife, Tammie. What is even more shocking, as I did some more research for this post, is that she claims Jason committed adultery … and she cites the alleged infidelity as one of the reasons for their split.

This was something I wasn’t aware of when I made my video. I wasn’t going to really speak about the reasons why people get divorced. I don’t know if this is true, but given it was filed in the court case, she at least believes it to be a reason to split with him.

More to the Story

Of course, reading more, there were some things that shocked me. I won’t get into them because as for frank, it doesn’t matter anymore. The man is no longer with us and can’t defend himself anymore. But supposedly he was abusive to her and mean. Hard to believe over some 30 years I never once heard or read anymore talking badly about him.

To the close friends and family, I’m saddened to hear the news, I still wish that more will come out that maybe he didn’t fully check himself out. We may never really know.

But for us 90s kids, we lost another hero. RIP Jason David Frank.


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