Patch 11.1.1 Major Patch 11 comes with the following changes, fixes, feature changes, theme, logo, content, and overall design changes.
Major Changes
- No Changes
Minor Changes
- Support for Facebook Page was restored. is now active again.
- Collection Page has been added for future content (
- Added Popup that will appear after 20sec on any page.
- Added Newsletter box to article pages for users who wish to subscrbe to the newsletter
- Instagram account has been restored. (
- Added Popular Posts Plugin to show Popular posts. ( – version 1
Fixes and Bugs
- Fixed issue with Start Here page not working correctly on mobile devices, page was too wide.
- Bug: There is a bug with Google ads showing ads right under the menu, breaking the layout in some cases. Even know this area has been removed to show ads on Googles end, the issue still shows up time to time.
- Archives page had an issue with The Magic The Gathering Box linking to the Marvel page and not the magic page. Same issue on The Start Here page
- Archives page also fixed the issue with the last two boxs being larger than the others.
- Ads no longer show on the main Updates pages as they are not needed.
- A number of 404 error pages have been redirected to the pages they need be. Still an on going process.