Written byProfessor Prime


Well, just a post to tell you guys about things going on with the site, keep the fans updated and such.

New Poll: Well, theres a new poll up on what kinda layout you want to see from Majin Planet, be it a layout like the current one, a layout that looks like the OLD ones of you just plain dont give a fuck. Go to the bottom of the page and vote

Video Clips: We dont have the bandwidth to be able to put up any video clips at the moment, so instead if you go to the video clips page you will find a few links to other sites that have some good video clips.

Information: Me and HellFire are working on finishing up the movie and special’s summarys. Once were done with that I’ll be adding some more fighting styles, a transformations guide, a Saiyaman Guide “dont ask,” also a races,henchmen and afterlife guide.

THE ASYLUM: Oh yah, its come to my attention that some people didn’t know Majin Planet had a forum, so just to let you guys know….. WE HAVE A FORUM!!! CLICK HEAR TO GO TO IT, JOIN, POST, TALK ABOUT CRAP! thats just about it.

Oh yah I forgot, were all working on a new mvids. I’m working on a new comedy vid, Corrupted Avatar is making progress on his and Mebs.. well i’m not sure because he dosn’t come online often.

– MajinTrunks –