Website Updates

Daily Blog Posting Update

So I haven't been posting on the blog, since April and I'll be honest, with everything going on in terms of working, trying to stay afloat with my bills, paying off my debt, and dealing with life itself. Working on YouTube videos and trying to just come up with a way...

Majin Planet Phase 2 Incoming…

Things have been going well for me, I think I've rebuilt the website in a solid matter and things are working. Traffic and readers are well on their way to my goals. With that being said, I think it's time to start thinking about Phase Two of my rebirth of Majin...

Patch Notes 11.1.1

Patch 11.1.1 Major Patch 11 comes with the following changes, fixes, feature changes, theme, logo, content, and overall design changes. Major Changes No Changes Minor Changes  Support for Facebook Page was restored. is now...

Patch Notes 11.0.0 – Majin Planet Phase One Launch

Patch 11.0.0 Major Patch 11 comes with the following changes, fixes, feature changes, theme, logo, content, and overall design changes. Major Changes Host Change: Majin Planet has changed hosts from WPX Host to The reasons are due to lack...

Understanding Majin Planet Patch History

For the next two or three weeks I'll be moving to Overnights at my job, so my time writing and working will be either at night (my days off) or early morning before I go to bed. After I get home and get some basics done of course. I wanted to talk about Patches and...

Easter Break

Hello everyone, holy crap it’s been pretty much a month now since I even posted anything. I’ve had a number of posts in the draft that I’ve been working on for a while now, but nothing has been finished to make it to public viewing. I’m sure you can all understand...

Kudos! I came through!

So what do you guys think of the new layout? It looks awesome, if I don't say so myself. This is actually my fourth try. The others, well, didn't work it. It didn't really suit the site so I had to stay up 'til 2 A.M. to come up with one so it would be up today like I...

A quick Plug

yah, I know I'm suppose to be taking a break and all but posting a quick comment isn't realy doing any work. I promised my old affiliate, NL Anime, that once they opend I would make a post about it and I dont break my promises. They have an awseome layout and some...

Multiple Layouts?

It's official, what I started a long time ago on my site will be featured here on Majin Planet. I plan on reviving one of the old Majin Planet layout and I will have the new layout in approximately one week. So you will be able to select which layout you would like to...

Hard to Work

Sorry about the fight club finnals delay. I unexpectedly had to work last night and didn't get home tell almost 1am, so i never had a chance to setup the next round. But the Fight Club finnal round has started, its Bote vs Lord Steal! Go vote on who you think should...

What I’m doing

This is just a little update to let you all know what I'm up to. We have a new layout, but in order to make the content look good in it I have to go threw some pages and re do them. I have to re-do the tables in ALL the amv pages and a few other things. When I put up...

AIM Chat

Well guys, I decided to create an AIM Chat room for Majin Planet to increase the fan interation on the site. I am going to create alot more stuff to increase intereaction and this was just one of the more insignificant ones. To enter the chat room you a) must have aim...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Alright everyone, have a happy Thanksgiving!! Eat lots of Turkey and get nice and fat! Just wanted to post that. Other then that, I have finnaly got around to re-instaling the news program so you guys can leave comments again. I'm going to start getting this site more...

Banner Contest

The Banner Contest is back online!!!!! Now for thoughs of you not familar with the banner contest the way it works is you make a banner meeting the certain recuirements i list below, I post the entries on the site and the fans vote for there favorite banner, and that...

The OLD Merciless Future

Ive recieved many e-mails,ims,comments and so on saiying that the orriginal Merciless Future was better and I should put it back up. So I decided to put the orriginal back up on my music video page, so now both the new and Old ones are up, you can see both, compare...

Majin Planet 5.5

Well, its not realy a new layout just a modified version of the old one, mixing together the new layout and majin planets old style. Right now its the new layout with a drop down menu, and the music video pages have the old MP setup. I'm slowly working on going threw...

Old Music Videos

Well yes, we do have an old music video section as you all know, Majin Mebs old mvid section. But Mebs isn't the only mvid creator around here with old mvids. I still have 3 of my old mvids "my first 2 decent ones and the orriginal Triumph" and I'm sure with a bit of...

The Chapmion!

Well, the fight club has come to an end, and the champion is Podge with his video Koola the Hun! He has been added to the fight club champs page where he will remain forever. Congradulations Podge! There will be a 2 week delay period before I will start accepting...


Well, just a post to tell you guys about things going on with the site, keep the fans updated and such. New Poll: Well, theres a new poll up on what kinda layout you want to see from Majin Planet, be it a layout like the current one, a layout that looks like the OLD...

Ok, well expires next month so I got a new domain name for the site,, update your favorites Also, now your able to leave comments about the news posts! Just click on the thing that says comments and you can leave a comment. Oh, and i no...