25 Day Pokemon Pack Challenge

25 Day Pokemon Pack Challenge

Hey guys, It's Professor Prime here and I wanted to share with you our current little event we have going for this first of the year, Welcome to Fight Club 2024.Each year, Majin Planet first Event of the year runs from Jan 1st to March 30th. This year is also our 25...

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Infinity – 24th Anniversary

Infinity – 24th Anniversary

Hey guy, it's that time of year again, kind of crazy to think about that next year will be Majin Planet's 25th Anniversary. December 13th 1999. Crazy where the time has gone and how the world has changed. That being said, welcome to this years 24th event special,...

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King of the Hill 2023

King of the Hill 2023

The Year of the Majin, since early 2022, Majin Planet's Events have been broken down into a four Quarter system. Working sort of like hour a normal Quarter system works for business. With the changes that have been going on with Majin Planet over the last year. In the...

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Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Issues

Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Issues

Okay, let me be the first one to come out and say this, I don’t own Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. I played Pokemon Sword and Shield (I believe I owned Shield). Honestly, thought the game was just too easy. There is this large area you can enter almost right...

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