Written byProfessor Prime

Every word counts

Probably the most important thing when you’re writing a blog is to maintain the word count. I found the best word count is 500 or fewer words. The reason for this is because most people don’t enjoy reading more than 500 words. If you look around at some of the most read blogs, you’ll notice that they push about 500 to about 700 words at max. I push to about 500 words with 350 being the minimum I’ll write.

I’ve been the kind of person in the past, who likes to write a whole lot I’m talking two thousand or more words. The truth is when I’m writing a blog post I focus on the details and examples. Anything that best describes the point I’m trying to get across. Just take a look and you can find many articles with a whole lot of bloat that never really get to the point.

I do a lot of my writing over my phone using speech to text software, which is built into my Android powered phone. Basically I write down my basic thoughts and ideas into a draft post and then later in the week when I have time on my computer craft it into a 500 word post. I find that this helps me get an idea out quickly and into post format. There will be times I’ll get an idea and I’m at work or the store. It’s always good to have that access to my blog.

I almost never post from my phone as a final way of posting something, simply because it doesn’t have a word count and I’m not able to really add images or ads in the way I want too. Word counting is important when you’re writing a post for your blog because if it’s too short you may miss something. If it’s too long, you’ll lose readers as well. Research has shown me that less I write the more traffic I gain in the long run.

One good example was when I was writing for The Anime Post. I would write really long posts about something going on in the community. One of the hot topics I talked about was selling anime downloads as a way to make money. I found it disrespectful to the people who took the time to sub the anime’s. Another subject all together, but let’s just say I wrote about 2,500 words was a short post for me.

Basically I learned that word count was almost as important if not more important than what you’re writing. So next time you pull out your computer, your tablet or your phone and need to write something down keep in mind that 500 words will lead you to your success.

Am I Evil Yes I Am!

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