The Dragon Ball franchise, including the anime series and animated movies. I do not include the manga as that changes things when it comes to Super anime. Dragon Ball features a diverse cast of characters with varying levels of power. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 strongest characters in the Dragon Ball franchise. While doing my research, I did not include characters from other universes and I took into account the character when they were last seen and their strongest form at that time. Because Dragon Ball power levels are very inconsistent, this list is my own opinion and you may be shocked. Please remember this is my own opinion and may not line up with how you feel.
10. Frieza
Frieza is one of the most iconic villains in the series. He is known for his incredible power, which he uses to conquer and enslave entire planets. He is a member of the Frieza race, a group of aliens with a reputation for being some of the strongest creatures in the universe.
9. Goku
Goku is the main protagonist of the series and is considered one of the strongest warriors in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is able to achieve a number of powerful transformations, including the legendary Super Saiyan form, which allows him to access his full power and fight against even the strongest enemies.
8. Piccolo
Piccolo is a Namekian warrior who was once an enemy of Goku but later became one of his strongest allies. He is known for his exceptional fighting skills and his ability to increase his power through fusions with other characters.
7. Vegeta
Vegeta is a powerful Saiyan warrior who was once one of the strongest villains in the series. He later joins forces with Goku and the other heroes to help protect the Earth from threats. Vegeta is a proud warrior who will do whatever it takes to become the strongest being in the universe.
6. Trunks
Trunks is a half-Saiyan warrior from the future who appears in several movies in the franchise. He is known for his incredible strength and his ability to transform into a powerful Super Saiyan.
5. Gotenks
Gotenks is the result of a fusion between Goten and Trunks. He is one of the strongest characters in the franchise, with an impressive combination of strength, speed, and combat skills. He is able to achieve the powerful Super Saiyan 3 form, which allows him to access even more power.
4. Broly
Broly is a powerful Saiyan warrior who appears in several movies in the franchise. He is known for his incredible strength and his ability to transform into a legendary Super Saiyan form, making him a formidable opponent for the Z-fighters.
3. Beerus
Beerus is a god of destruction from another universe. He is one of the strongest characters in the franchise and is known for his godly powers, including his ability to destroy entire planets with a single attack. He is a proud and aloof character who is not afraid to challenge the strongest warriors in the Dragon Ball franchise.
2. Whis
Whis is the angelic attendant of Beerus and is known for his incredible strength and godly powers. He is a wise and powerful being who is able to easily defeat even the strongest characters in the franchise with his exceptional combat skills.
1. Zeno
Zeno is the king of all universes and is considered the strongest character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He has the power to destroy entire universes with a single attack and is revered by all other characters in the franchise. Despite his incredible power, Zeno is a kind and compassionate ruler who is loved by all who know him.
In conclusion, these are the top 10 strongest characters in the Dragon Ball franchise. This franchise has a rich cast of memorable and powerful characters, each with its own unique skills and abilities. Whether you are a fan of the action, the drama, or the humor, the Dragon Ball franchise is a must-watch for anyone who loves anime.