Akira Toriyama Thank you, Until We Meet Again

Akira Toriyama Thank you, Until We Meet Again

It's very sad news, I'll be making a video about this with my thoughts and how his passing has affected me. What his man did for me, through his stories of DragonBall I'll never forget. In fact, Without him I'd never have known the joys I've had reading his manga,...

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“Differences in DBZ: Manga vs. Anime

“Differences in DBZ: Manga vs. Anime

Dragon Ball Z, a cornerstone of anime and manga culture, has captivated audiences globally through both its manga and anime adaptations. While both mediums tell the same story, they diverge in several significant ways, offering fans unique experiences across the...

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4 Most Memorable Moments in Dragon Ball Z

4 Most Memorable Moments in Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is a legendary anime and manga series that has captivated audiences for decades. The series is known for its thrilling battles, complex characters, and memorable moments that have left a lasting impact on fans. In this post, we will explore some of the...

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Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Trailer Thoughts?

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Trailer Thoughts?

Okay, I’ll admit we haven’t done a whole lot of Dragon Ball-related content here in a long time. I think honestly it comes down to a few things. First, we haven’t had an anime series since 2018 with Dragon Ball Super. Both with the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie that...

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5 Ways Dragon Ball GT Could Work

5 Ways Dragon Ball GT Could Work

Dragon Ball GT is the stepson of the Dragon Ball franchise that everyone tries to forget. The truth is, Dragon Ball GT isn’t all that bad as many would like to toss it under the rug. The truth is, there are some parts of Dragon Ball GT that aren’t horrible, in fact,...

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How Ultra Instinct uses Instant Transmission

How Ultra Instinct uses Instant Transmission

A lot of people have been talking about Ultra Instinct Goku form since the episode aired last Saturday night, with most watching the sub version Sunday. One of the things, that has come out of it, was that Goku became extremely faster. In fact, dare I say was as fast...

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Is Ultra Instinct a New Transformation?

Is Ultra Instinct a New Transformation?

I think after the epic one-hour special of Dragon Ball Super which is Episodes 109 and 110 which you can watch here on Majin Planet 100% Free. I recommend you watch them before reading this topic of discussion. This theory of mine is that Goku’s new transformation...

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