Written byProfessor Prime

Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Issues

Okay, let me be the first one to come out and say this, I don’t own Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. I played Pokemon Sword and Shield (I believe I owned Shield). Honestly, thought the game was just too easy. There is this large area you can enter almost right away. Where you can battle high-level Pokémon and do raids against those Gigantamax Pokémon, which is all fine and really a cool feature.

A feature that should have been in the endgame, not after the tutorial mode. A note about the tutorial mode, I wish Game Freak would put in a skip tutorial mode feature or at least limit it down to maybe the new features. I started playing Pokémon in 1993, I don’t need a 20min tutorial on how to catch a Pokémon.


Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet have issues

Honestly, in terms of gameplay, I haven’t seen much. My buddy, Dad Gaming got the game and the biggest thing he has complained to me about is the frame rate being really bad. For a game on the Switch, which should at least most, get 30 frames. Something along the lines of less than 24 is bad.

So bad, I’m more than likely gonna skip the game. Seriously I’m just not a fan of the new games. As much as I wish I could be. To battle my friends and have fun. I miss the old days of Pokémon Red, Gold, heck, even Yellow.

Price Point too High for Pokémon?

Back in the day, when a new Pokémon game came out for Gameboy, the games were like 29.99 or something. About $30 which while back then might have been a lot, compared to Nintendo, Sega games, and later PlayStation, N64, and then, Xbox. Those games mostly ranged from 39.99 to 49,99 depending on if it was a AAA title game.

All the while, even when I believe in late 2000 even when the first Gen of DS came out. Pokémon games still were 30 bucks. Even when some DS games came out at 40.

Yet, the Switch took over the Nintendo Handle market and more or less merged their Handle and Console markets as one. I feel as if most gamers and even Nintendo themselves, see the Switch as more marketed to handle users than the OG Console users.

So why are games $60 bucks?

Even now that Sword and Shield have dropped to $39 now, I paid $59.99. The new games Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, cost $59.99 each, with a double pack going for $120. I’m sure people will buy those and hold them for years to come and they will sell for $100s if not more.

Only time will tell if I’ll grab Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet or one of them. I know three of my friends have them and I’m sure they’re gonna be asking me if I’m gonna play.

For now, I thought it was funny that Sword, runs at 60 frames, smooth on my Switch and a newer game, well 3 years later can’t even get 20 frames if not 24 frames. All I can say, is Nintendo, let Game Freak spend some time on their games. Fix your software bro!

Am I Evil Yes I Am!

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